The Rebirth of the Shala

As of today, this moment, we are aiming to open  Friday April 5th 9:30am with Dechen teaching Basic Yoga. Please be patient with us and the most amazing team of professional contractors and volunteers. We are so inspired by them! When we open we want to serve you well with peace and ease and are so excited about practicing together in our new space. 

Please check our schedule from our website or fabulous mobile app you can download for free for latest updates, or feel free to call, check out our blog, or just stop by the shala for love and support. 

"Its happening slowly and beautifully and not as fast as we would like but we can never rush Mother Nature in her processes."

Baron Baptiste on MTV's MADE!

Hello Friend of Baptiste Yoga!
We are excited to share with you that this Saturday, January 5th at 2pm Eastern, you can watch Baron Baptiste on MTV's Emmy-award winning show, MADE.  In this episode, Baron coaches Derek Frazier (son of boxing legend Joe Frazier) through major breakthroughs and insights that transform Derek into a champion of life; in the ring and everywhere else.

Experience this kind of total transformation for yourself by registering today for the All-Day Immersion in New York City with Baron on January 12! Spend a full day immersed in the Baptiste practice and create a powerful platform for the new year. 

There's a Baptiste experience that's right for you right now!  Check out our calendar and register online to hold your spot or call our programs team at 1-800-936-YOGA ext 1.   We can’t wait to connect with you and get you ignited this year!

Baptiste Yoga & Gong Bath with Elizabeth Johnstone

December 15, 2012 from 4:00pm-6:00pm

Release and unwind connecting the mind, body and spirit through movement and breath with Certified Baptiste teacher Elizabeth Johnstone as she guides you through an hour-long baptiste flowing class with emphasis on gentle deep hip openers, yielding more comfort in the pelvis and back. You will feel cleansed, refreshed, and relaxed. Then melt into deep sound relaxation while waves of gong tones wash over your mind, body, and spirit during the gong bath with Stephanie Marisca. Stephanie is a sound healing artist who facilitates vibrational gong baths for healing, ceremony, and ritual. The gong is a primordial tonal instrument used to reconnect your consciousness to the place of timeless meditation within. Release subtle tensions held in the subconscious. Restore and renew your being by establishing connection with all parts of you. 
$25 pre-registration
$35 day of event


Help Make a Child’s Holiday brighter 
with &

This holiday project provides and mails toys and clothes to more than 1,500 children of the 750 mothers incarcerated at York Correctional Institution in Niantic, Connecticut.

On any given day, over 1.5 million in this country, approximately 2% of the minor children, have a parent serving in a state or federal prison.

Between 1995 and 2005, the number of incarcerated women in the US increased by 57%, compared to 34% for men (Harrison & Beck, 2006) 

76% of incarcerated women are mothers.

The average age of children with an incarcerated parent is eight years old.

22% of the children are under the age of 5.

More than one in every 100 adults in America are in jail or prison.

The holidays can be a very difficult time for a child with an incarcerated parent.

Gifts are sent to children birth to 14, male and female. 
Toy project particularly need things for newborns and teenagers. 

Anything and Everything is appreciated!!

If you would like to Participate in The Toy Project, dropped an unwrapped toy, clothing or school supplies for any age, boy or girl into the box at 
The Mystic Yoga Shala by December 14, 2012
“Not all of us can do great things, But we can do small things with great love.”


Events On The Horizon!

Reserve your spot for December:

Baptiste Yoga & Gong Bath with Elizabeth Johnstone

December 15, 2012 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm

Release and unwind connecting the mind, body and spirit through movement and breath with Certified Baptiste teacher Elizabeth Johnstone as she guides you through an hour-long baptiste flowing class with emphasis on gentle deep hip openers, yielding more comfort in the pelvis and back. You will feel cleansed, refreshed, and relaxed. Then melt into deep sound relaxation while waves of gong tones wash over your mind, body, and spirit during the gong bath with Stephanie Marisca. Stephanie is a sound healing artist who facilitates vibrational gong baths for healing, ceremony, and ritual. The gong is a primordial tonal instrument used to reconnect your consciousness to the place of timeless meditation within. Release subtle tensions held in the subconscious. Restore and renew your being by establishing connection with all parts of you. 
$25 pre-registration

$35 day of event


Baptiste Flow with Music with James Conlan

Fridays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm

TGIF! Join Jim Conlan as he guides you through a heart opening Baptiste Power Vinyasa accompanied by musical selections from a large, funky library of Yogi Musicians and Tribal drums! The best "Happy Hour" around!

Five for $25 Special for New Guests to the Shala

Any guest who is new to the studio can purchase their first 5 classes at Mystic Yoga Shala for $25. 

Ask at the front desk for details!