40 Days to Personal Revolution starts in September

Baron Baptiste's 40 Days to Personal Revolution!

The 40 Days Program is a program to radically change your body and awaken the sacred within your soul. Are you ready to change old habitual patterns in your life that are not serving you anymore? If so, give them up now!  Not some day.  You are ready for growth and change!
Led by MYS Instructors James Conlan and Patty Serraro.  They are each Registered and Certified Instructors and both have extensive experience as participants and leaders of this powerful program!
An Informational Meeting is scheduled for Friday Sept 6 at 7:15pm

During the program MEETINGS ARE HELD Sunday's at 1:30pm.  The first meeting is held on day 1, Sunday Sept 8, 2013

The progam runs until Thursday Oct 17th
This program is $260 with a copy of Baron Baptiste's 40 Day to Personal Revolution book included, $245 without a book. Also included with your tuition---- Unlimited yoga classes for 40 days at the at the Mystic Yoga Shala, weekly meetings, Group support, 40 Day Journal, access to the MYS 40 day blog and a private 40 Day MYS facebook account!
You can still participate and use a MYS class card if you can't make the full 6 day commitment to practice at the studio, but you must register for the program to receive staff support and attend the Sunday meetings.

Once registered, As of Sept 8th, any existing Class cards would be put on hold until the program ends! Please sign-up at the Shala for this program.
You are ready NOW!
Be the Change!

Online registration for this offering can be found at: