Green Juicing and Understanding Food Addiction

Free Lecture!

Learn about green juicing your way to better health with Michael Bergonzi. Free event! Michael has spent the last 10 years of his career at the famous Hippocrates Health Institute and is offering a lecture on why juicing is essential in today''s world. Learn all about juicers, why greens, what to juice, how and when. Eating whole plant based foods satisfies your body on a deep cellular level where as over processed and over cooked foods leave you wanting more. Find out how to eat healthier and still have friends and family in your life. 

Click here to Register  (This lecture is FREE)

Assisting Workshop!

Check out this Special Event...

On Sunday, Jan. 29th, from 3pm to 5pm 
Please come and check out this special event. Co-taught by Baptiste teachers James Conlan and Dechen Amy Zezulka, this workshop is for yoga teachers and anyone interested in learning the art of skillful assisting.  
Students will learn how to enter, apply and release  safe and powerful hands-on assists. Students will also have a chance to feel hands-on assists that will deepen their postures.
Please be prepared to practice yoga. Bring a mat, towel and a bottle of water with electrolytes. 

40 Days to a Personal Revolution!

Join us This Sunday, January 8th, for 40 days of GROWTH!
I am thrilled that Amy has asked me to co-facilitate our inspirational teacher Baron Baptiste's 40 days to Personal Revolution with her. We are excited to offer this innovative program after spending a week at Level 3 teacher training with Baron recently.  This guided program is for EVERYONE, for those who wish to deepen their practice, and for those who have never done yoga before. You will be guided through a holistic immersion of (asana) yoga practice, meditation, principles to cleanse your diet, and excavation questions and weekly meetings. Give this to yourself. One of the main principles of Baptiste Yoga( a beautiful flowing sequence with healing breath work) is adaptation. We will build from where you are. Poses can be modified. All you need to do is to show up; one breath, one day at a time, moving through this breakthrough program that will leave you with a new way of being, living, and improved health. This is what Gary Kraftsow has to say about 40 days to Personal Revolution ~  "Baron creatively blends wisdom from the great masters of Western spirituality with Yogic insights into the process of tranformation. The result is a refreshingly simple, yet surprisingly profound manual for personal transformation. What remains is for the reader to actualize the processes he offers, and experience the revolution." Gary Kraftsow

'Can't wait ! This book is very dear to my heart ♥

A Story on Accepting the Unexpected

Our beloved teacher, Elizabeth Johnstone shared this inspirational story with me today. It is written by the singer Deva Premal on her life in one of Osho's ashrams. Enjoy!

Many years ago Miten and I were living in Osho’s ashram in Pune, India. At the time, Miten was the ashram music coordinator, which meant being responsible for the music at the evening meditation gatherings. Every day he would choose the musicians who would play in Buddha Hall that evening, and coordinate the afternoon rehearsals.
Often, sometimes at the last minute, Osho would request a certain style (i.e. Zen music, or wild celebration music!) etc...which had to be spontaneously created there and then! A great opportunity for musicians to dive even deeper into living ‘the moment’.

Life in the ashram was a microcosmos of the world, which meant we learned, fast, to deal with ‘life’ as it happened. It was a great opportunity to deal with our egos and those of others, by witnessing our personal reactions to sudden change (Osho always made sure we wouldn’t get sleepy!).

For example, Miten was unexpectedly told to pass his job to someone else, regardless of the fact that he was generally acknowledged as the best person available.

Although surprised, he looked on the change as a challenge, and saw it as something to absorb – the surprise, the shock, of suddenly having the proverbial carpet pulled from one’s feet.
This is a great training for life, which as we all know, contains many unexpected twists and turns, regardless of our ‘best laid plans’.

Miten, being Miten, took it all very gracefully and moved on.

There were many great teachers in the ashram, and we had a lots of chances to learn from each other: Neelam, Osho’s secretary at the time, once told Miten that she’d had occasion to speak to Osho about the chaos and turmoil that had arisen in one of the other departments. She was frustrated with the personality clashes that she felt were unnecessary. To her surprise, Osho seemed very pleased to hear the news. When questioned about his response he gave a mischievous smile and explained; “Neelam, this place is not meant to run smoothly!”

The ashram was designed to give people the opportunity to grow – and how can one grow if everything is mapped out and regulated?
We learnt to welcome chaos, as opposed to trying to control it.
What a huge relief!
To find oneself in an environment where mistakes are forgiven – and even encouraged.

The other day I thought of Osho’s words and applied them to life here on Planet Earth.
What a wondrous and beautiful learning ground we have - where every challenge, every perceived hiccup in our flow, is an opportunity to grow.
We have numerous chances to step back within ourselves, to breathe deeply, and to realize that we can care for our friends and our loved ones, without getting hung up or emotionally overwhelmed.
We have a choice! And to welcome these challenges as a way to practice love, non-attachment, compassion in ways that will help us – and others - to come out the other end so much stronger and clearer.

I know that I am not saying anything new here, but maybe the next time something happens to you which you would prefer hadn’t, just try my new mantra: “Things are not meant to run smoothly” and already half the struggle is gone!

Let’s spend less time complaining about situations and more on using our energy to enjoy – yes, and even to celebrate – the great gift of life and all the lessons we receive from the Great Mother, day to day!
Jai Jai Ma!!

With love,

Winter Solstice Celebration!

This annual Winter Solstice event at the Shala is very popular!   
Baptiste yoga led by Elizabeth, with emphasis on the hips and heart; then melt into gong tones with Stephanie.
Join Elizabeth and Stephanie for this workshop as we release tenison and holding patterns in the hips through the powerful principles of Baptiste yoga, allowing the heart to open and receive deep sound relaxation while waves of the primordial healing sounds of gong tones wash over your body, mind, and spirit. Experience the vibrational healing of the bronze gong. The healing power of sound will gently restore and harmonize your body, mind and spirit.

Sign up early...this event sells out!