40 Days to Personal Revolution starts this Sunday!

My name is Patty Serraro.  I am a Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Instructor and I Love the 40 Days!  I’m so excited to lead this Fall's program at the Mystic Yoga Shala with James Conlan and to embark on this Transformational Journey with You!  If you haven’t signed up already – Now is the Time.

Whenever I get an opportunity, I move mountains to participate in the 40 Days to Personal Revolution, because I know how powerfully it propels me to where I need to be in my life. What inspires me the most about the 40 Days is the topic we’ll focus on the very 1st week - Presence.  Every time I’ve participated or run this program it is new, different, and Amazing.  When I am present I can see that I am new and different and free and endlessly malleable. The 40 Days challenges our patterns of body and mind and leaves us in the Powerful place of Choice – to continue on or to change.  Your choice.   

It is like a really good book (Well, it IS a really good book! The program closely follows and is based on Baron Baptiste’s book 40 Days to a Personal Revolution: A Breakthrough Program to Radically Change Your Body and Awaken the Sacred Within Your Soul, Sound good? It is…you should see the scribbles and dogears on my copy!)  Get yours today and read the Intro through p. 10 and p. 51-100 to be ready for the 1st meeting 9/8 @1:30pmFor me Baron’s 40 Day Program is like a great book that you return to again and again - each time noticing things you have never noticed before.  It never gets old.  Presence is always NEW. 40 Days of Yoga is just that and more...  Unlimited Yoga and meetings are included (with a copy of Baron’s book for Package Price of $260.)  There is also a strong focus on daily meditation and a diet component.  You will transform your WHOLE health: body, mind, and spirit. 

Get started right!  I’m offering a Complementary Introduction to Baptiste Yoga Workshop at the Shala on Saturday 9/7 from 3-5pm for all the 40 Day’s participants.  ($20 to drop in if not registered in the 40 Days) Learn the fundamentals of the Baptiste flow, proper alignment, and have time to ask questions on the physical yoga practice.   Please Encourage and bring your friends that are interested in the 40 Day’s – I promise they’ll thank you for dragging them onto their mat!  It’s about the best thing you can do for someone.  There is also a free informational meeting about the 40 Days on Friday September 6th at 7:15pm.  This program is a huge gift. You deserve it!  

See you this weekend and shining bright for all 40 Days!  

Peace, Patty Serraro

My First Year With Yoga written by Mystic Yoga Shala student and Vietnam Veteran Joseph Dolock.

I have PTSD and depression.  I was a Combat Infantry Officer while I served in Vietnam and been in treatment since 1995 - group counseling and individual counseling.  I have taken different types of pills for the PTSD and depression.  It took almost six years to finally come up with a combination - or “cocktail” - to stop the intrusive flashbacks and nightmares. Not to mention, I had feelings of not wanting to get out of bed, leave my house or travel. I had panic attacks, anxiety attacks - from being in crowed places, and everything else that goes along with PTSD and depression.  Don’t get me wrong. The “cocktail” did not make it all go away.  What it did was it made my life a little easier to cope with.  One of my counselors said, “Joe there is no light at the end of the tunnel.”  That is somewhat bleak. I keep up my counseling, pills and life has became a little easier.

One day, I saw an ad for Yoga for Veterans and it is hard to believe that a whole year has passed since I first walked into that class. Who in their right mind would take up Yoga at 69? For years my daughter had tried to get me to go, but I said I was too old or I did not have the time. The other thing was I thought that yoga people sat around drinking carrot juice and contemplating whatever.  As I mentioned earlier, I was being treated for PTSD and depression so I said to myself, “Why not?” 

I drove to the yoga class, and had no idea what was going to happen.  I could not believe how nice everyone was. They did not look at me as some old guy. I had never taken a yoga class before.  The instructor did not say this might be too hard for you or maybe you should be with older people.  She accepted me as a person.  As time went by I could tell that she was really concerned about me.  It is hard to make friends or trust people being a Vietnam Vet.  Being a Vietnam Vet,  no one, and I mean no one, wanted to know us when we came home -   not the VFW, American Legion or the VA and in some cases... our own families.  That was 1970.  Today it is much better.  There were 2.7 million who served in the country. Today there are 8 million who have said they were in Vietnam. So when you find people who care about you before they even know you, it is a shock. 

I thought I was in good shape. I played tennis three to four times a week and on the off days I walked my Golden Retriever one to two miles - plus do work around the house.  Well, after my first yoga class, my butt was dragging so bad I had to get a cart to move it off the floor.  My first yoga experience - there was no carrot juice, but I did leave a lot of sweat on the floor.

I kept coming back week after week realizing I am not in such great shape. Also these people are real and, like I said, they care that I become the person I want to be. 

One day I was asked what makes you keep going to yoga?  I don’t have all the answers to anything, but it appears to me (at the time) yoga gave me one more arrow in my quiver to fight off the depression and the PTSD.  I still feel that way today but even much more.  

Each year around my anniversary in May, I usually withdraw, become over vigilant and don’t want to engage. I am stand-off-ish, I don’t want to leave the house, and am short tempered. I basically become a real pain to everyone around me.  This past May, my wife said that she has never seen me so calm and engaging.  Me, I thought, I was the same person.  However, when other people make statements, then something has changed or happened.  For me, the only change from my routine was yoga.  I did notice my family would question me if I did not go to yoga.  That says something.

Like I said, I don’t have all the answers, sometimes I don’t even know what the questions are.  I do know that PTSD and depression don’t go away on their own.  What we have to do is find ways to alleviate the symptoms and lessen the impact on our lives. You won’t be able to stop the different triggers. You have had all your senses shocked and you can’t stop that, but now after 40 plus years since Vietnam and 15 plus years of treatment at the VA, I have found another way to calm my whole being.  Yoga has helped me relax and at the same time build some of the muscle mass I have lost over the years.  I don’t think my body will ever be 25 again, but yoga has helped my mind and body become stronger.  I am okay with who I am right now.  I am not sure I am all the way there, but I am better than I was a year ago.

Thank you to Recovery Yoga and Mystic Yoga Shala

Veteran Vietnam 1968-69

40 Days to Personal Revolution starts in September

Baron Baptiste's 40 Days to Personal Revolution!

The 40 Days Program is a program to radically change your body and awaken the sacred within your soul. Are you ready to change old habitual patterns in your life that are not serving you anymore? If so, give them up now!  Not some day.  You are ready for growth and change!
Led by MYS Instructors James Conlan and Patty Serraro.  They are each Registered and Certified Instructors and both have extensive experience as participants and leaders of this powerful program!
An Informational Meeting is scheduled for Friday Sept 6 at 7:15pm

During the program MEETINGS ARE HELD Sunday's at 1:30pm.  The first meeting is held on day 1, Sunday Sept 8, 2013

The progam runs until Thursday Oct 17th
This program is $260 with a copy of Baron Baptiste's 40 Day to Personal Revolution book included, $245 without a book. Also included with your tuition---- Unlimited yoga classes for 40 days at the at the Mystic Yoga Shala, weekly meetings, Group support, 40 Day Journal, access to the MYS 40 day blog and a private 40 Day MYS facebook account!
You can still participate and use a MYS class card if you can't make the full 6 day commitment to practice at the studio, but you must register for the program to receive staff support and attend the Sunday meetings.

Once registered, As of Sept 8th, any existing Class cards would be put on hold until the program ends! Please sign-up at the Shala for this program.
You are ready NOW!
Be the Change!

Online registration for this offering can be found at:

Recovery Yoga Fundraiser held on beach in front of Ocean House huge success!

Alyssa Sullivan of Baptiste-inspired studio Synergy Power Yoga lead the flow with grace while we were serenaded by the beautiful voice and harmonium of Bryna Rene, followed by a meditation by Elizabeth Johnstone. There was also fire dancing by Mistral Dodson accompanied by the primal beat of the African drums played by our own Baptiste Yoga shala teachers, MYS owner Dechen Zezulka and Jim Conlan.  Will Evans of WillEvans.com played his tunes from his incredible solo cd Wishin' Well. 

Recovery Yoga still needs your help in order to continue and expand programs for  mothers in need who practice yoga in a residential substance abuse program and a domestic violence home. Here is what one of our students who resides in a domestic violence shelter with her son has to say: 

"I have not only learned the practice of yoga but also techniques to calm myself, techniques to calm my son, and techniques to better my life in general. Recovery Yoga has provided instruction that is fun, flexible, and appropriate for our hectic lifestyle. Because of this routine, my body feels stronger and healthier and we are both much happier."

We are also expanding our veterans programs, and awarding partial scholarships for veterans to attend yoga teacher trainings to share what has been healing for them.
Here is what Lt. Joseph Dolock, who served in Vietnam as an infantry platoon leader and is a Recovery Yoga student, has to say (while in Vietnam Lt. Dolock was awarded a Combat Infantry Badge, one Bronze Star for Heroism while under enemy fire, and one Bronze Star for meritorious service):

"At the end of the Recovery Yoga class we would lay on our backs and go or try to go to our safe place. I am by experience and nature a hyper-vigilant person. I see movement I have to look. I hear sounds I have to know where they are coming from. So I am lying there and I hear foot steps. THIS MAY NOT BE A BIG DEAL FOR MOST but for me , and I had to fight it, not to open my eyes to see. I trusted the other in the room that I would be safe.  Where is this going for me, I would like to continue with Yoga. I see a value and a place where I think I can trust people. But in the short time I could feel that my instructor cared that I was getting it. What ever it is.   FOR ME YOGA IS ANOTHER TOOL TO HELP ME GET THROUGH LIFE WHEN THERE IS NO LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNAL. "

Elizabeth Johnstone, Founder of Recovery Yoga says, "Thank you all for coming together for our magical evening at the beautiful Ocean House Beach to support our work at Recovery Yoga."

To make a tax deductible donation to support or fund a Recovery Yoga program or initiative, please visit www.recoveryyoga.org or mail your check to: Recovery Yoga, P.O. Box 88, New London, CT. 06320.

Yoga Shala community with Baron Baptiste at Omega Institute

Teachers Dechen and Jim along with a handful of  yoga shala students trained with Baron Baptiste this weekend at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY.  We physically worked hard, meditated, and engaged in self-examination to generate more love and power in our lives. 

Come train with Baron plus many more great teachers at the Baptiste Power Flow Immersion in Estes Park, CO September 22-25th at the Yoga Journal Conference.

Click here for more Info

Pre-Natal Yoga with Dana Oliveira

Saturday, June 29th 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
For Experienced Yogis and those new to yoga Prenatal Yoga!
Come experience the benefits...

~ STRENGHTHEN, TONES and OPENS the body to support the pregnancy and prepares
the body for birth.

~ Learn BREATH AWARENESS, a great tool for labor and delivery.

~ Allows time for INWARD FOCUS on self and baby.

~ Creates COMMUNITY and FRIENDSHIPS among pregnant women.

~ EMPOWERS a woman to believe in herself and her body as she prepares for her new role
as a mother.

~ encourages HEALTH and VITALITY during pregnancy

Online registration is available at:

Save the Date - Teacher Training! Informational meeting Saturday, June 1st from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.

RYS 200
There will be an informational meeting held on Saturday, June 1st from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm to answer questions and get an idea of what the MYS teacher training is all about!
Mystic Yoga Shala Teacher Trainingwith Certified Baptiste teachers Dechen and James Conlan, is certified by Yoga Alliance.

 Click here to download the Teacher Training Application. 

200-hour teacher training consists of five intensive training weekends from July to November, 2013.
  • July 12-14
  • August 16-18
  • September 13-15
  • October 11-13
  • November 8-10
  • Friday: 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm 
  • Saturday: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
  • Sunday: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm   
Deepen your connection to your physical practice, your understanding of the philosophy and learn to share what you love with others. Be the change you want to see in the world. Unlimited yoga classes included for five months! 

Grand Opening A Huge Success!

On Friday May 17th, the Shala celebrated its new digs with a ribbon cutting ceremony officiated by the Mystic Chamber of Commerce. In this photo, owner and teacher Amy "Dechen" Zezulka cuts the ribbon while amateur architect of the fabulous studio and Baptiste teacher James Conlan stands by her side.  Vegan refreshments were provided by Kates Cafe in Mystic and Zest Bakery located in the Velvet Mill in Stonington. Noah Straub provided super fun music as the DJ.  The back deck was lit up and new and old friends celebrated the expansion of the Shala community. Yea! A big thank you to all!

Thank you Will Evans, Jeff Howard and Blue Buddha!

Will Evans and Jeff Howard were amazing!  You can check out some video of their performance here:


Blue Buddha beverages were served by creator and founder Kris Whelan Griscom and everyone agreed, it is the healthiest beverage on the market.

A great time was had by all who attended!

TODAY: Being of Power! Online Event with Yoga Expert, Baron Baptiste

Lectures & EventsBeing of Power!
Online Event with Yoga Expert, Baron Baptiste
Find out how to get this Online Event for FREE!

Date: April 15, 2013, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Pacific Time
Sponsored by: Hay House
Format: Live Online Event

HayHouse.com: $69.00

Hay House Radio
Being of Power

Online registration available at:  http://www.hayhouse.com/event_details.php?event_id=2143&utm_id=5225BB